Friday 6 November 2015

Organic kudampuli (Indian garcinia)

We are the manufacture  of  kudampuli (Indian garcinia)Kudampuli is a moderate-sized, evergreen tree and the flowers are unisexual, sessile and axillary. The leaves are dark green, shining, elliptic to obviate. It bears sweet-sour mixed fruits native to SE Asia and India. The fruit may resemble a small yellow or reddish pumpkin, or it may have a unique purple colour. The fruit of Garcinia cambogia has been traditionally used in food preparation and cooking, having a distinctive taste. Garcinia has garnered a lot of attention of late as a popular natural weight loss aid. The reason is that the rind of this pumpkin like fruit is rich in a substance called hydroxycitric acid / HCA.  Aside from its use in food preparation and preservation, extracts of G. cambogia are sometimes used in traditional medicine as purgatives. Kudampuli is known for its medicinal values in Ayurveda. It helps to promote digestion, and a decoction (kashayam) made out of it is used against Arthritis and some uterine deceases. It is also known to cure ulcers. The root of Kudampuli can be used quire the swelling the whole body due to viper bite.

Kudampuli is found to have astringent, antioxidant, anticatarrhal, demulcent, thermogenic, cardiotonic and anti-cancer properties. It is effective against rheumatism, piles, bilious affections, edema, intestinal parasites, constipation and delayed menstruation.
Kudampuli extract is found to increase the mucosal defensive mechanisms in stomach and thereby it is helpful as a protective agent against gastric ulcers. A study has shown that a supplement extract of kudampuli is helpful in reducing both the volume and acidity of gastric juice. Further, its use showed promotion of defensive factors on gastric mucosa.
More recently, it has been proved that kudampuli has a hepato-protective ability against external toxins, such as alcohol. A recent study showed that its use prevented liver cells from becoming fibrotic and stopped cell damage caused by high blood lipid levels.

How does Kudampuli help in weight loss?
The science behind Kudampuli promoting loss of weight is simple. See how it works:

  • Suppresses hunger naturally: We all know that overeating leads of unwanted weight gain. Kudampuli helps in suppressing your appetite and thus, you feel less hungry throughout the day. Your metabolism too is improved.
  • Controls blood sugar level: The extracts of Garcinia Cambodia help to control blood sugar levels. When your appetite is suppressed, not only are you less prone to consume increased amounts of carbohydrates, you are also saved from a spike in blood sugar levels and deposit of fats in your body. It also blocks the enzyme- citrate lyase, which is responsible for the conversion of carbohydrate into sugar and fat.
  • Promotes strong digestive system: Kudampuli protects you from colic pain and irregular movement of bowels. When consumed regularly, Kudampuli tends to strengthen your digestive system and prevents acidity. Your immunity power is also boosted.

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